Working Motherhood Unveiled

Oh, how the modern world has changed! Women, once relegated to the domestic sphere, now have the freedom to pursue their careers while raising their children. Yet, this newfound liberation…

Choosing to Challenge

International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated annually on March 8. This year we are raising awareness against bias, and taking action for equality.

2020: A Year Of Purpose

Only a couple of weeks before this year bids us farewell, and in synchronicity with tomorrow’s Solstice Day, I find it fitting to take a step back. Pause. Reflect. Shed…

Gratitude is Attitude

Is there a path to cope with adversity, to deal with uncertainty and to plan forward? If a silver bullet exists, it’s gotta build on Gratitude.

How He Does It | Aldin Beslagic

This month I feel that my competences are put to the ultimate test: a challenge to keep making life happen during (what looks like) a second upcoming covid-imposed lock-down, and…

Solution Crafting

Staying up to speed with the ever-changing world is hard. But the ability to transfer insights from one theme to another compensates.


Everyone keeps saying how the employee of the future is M-shaped, and I couldn’t agree more!

How She Does It | Emma El-Karout

What a year 2020 is slowly turning into! Every month, a new pressing matter, randomly risen to add up to the series of extravaganzas incessantly tormenting public opinion. A global…

Resilient Parents

Sitting at my quiet place, seventy-six days into remote work, one family relocation and one COVID19 crisis afterwards, I come to realize I am so much tougher than I thought!

Navigating Change

Building on sustainable ways to thrive in changing times being Managers, Parents and Citizens is complex, but not impossible.

Being #EachForEqual!

International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated annually on March 8, and this year I really feel we should all be joining the current to strengthen that voice!


The more I connect with Moms all around the globe through this space, the more I realize this to be true: every Mom is different, but all Moms have…superpowers!

Year of the Mother

Motherly and Mom Congress are declaring 2020 as the “Year of the Mother”, with a new social media campaign that launches today!

Knowledge Worker

Where are you with your New Year resolutions? Showcasing how Mothers are Multi-competent Knowledge Workers has topped my list!

It’s a Wrap, Mom!

In the nick of time, right after 2019 kicked the bucket, I feel an urgent need to count our many blessings from the year that went by, excited to see…


Holiday break. Yay! After a good four straight months back in the workplace wearing suits and uncomfortable (ok, elegant too!) shoes, some much-needed pajama time by the fireplace!

I Am Mom (?)

Getting by as a Mom has me going through a multitude of phases. Hopefully I’m leveling up, even though it feels like I’m oscillating between stages most of the time…